For an impression of spoken dialect (NB: non-GTRP) we may refer to the Institute's
Map" to be found via "Databanken" or homepage/sitemap.
The 1.876 items of the questionnaire mainly exist of nouns and verbs
but 22 sentences and 106 adjectival word groups are included as well.
The database has alltogether more than 1.1 million transcribed
elements. When each (un)definite article and personal pronoun is
taken into account the total amounts to 2 million 'words'.
All selected recordings have been narrowly transcribed in accordance
with the "International Phonetic Alphabet" as trained by dr. P.Th.
van Reenen at the Free University, Amsterdam. A training guide was
adapted from W.H. Chapman's "Introduction to Practical Phonetics" (of
the Summer Institute of Linguistics).
A way to use keyboard characters (of the lower ASCII
range) was developed, especially for this project. The so-called
"Keyboard IPA" (KIPA, K-IPA) proved to be extremely useful as well as
quite flexible in expanding the inventory during the project. We
should like to call for further usage of KIPA (with advantages over
the later developed (X)SAMPA) in other projects. Don't hesitate to
contact us. → K-IPA
Red circles (above and below) accentuate those features marking
reliability of the transcriptions: the short period of time in which
the bulk of recordings were made and the fact that just two persons
already transcribed 40 percent of all (Dutch) recordings. See the
list of publications for titles on the subject of testing the
reliability of these data.
From Goeman
1999 (chapter 3, 92-93) now follow two graphics showing
comparisons between the two main Dutch transcribers, Van Houten (H)
en Van Vliet (V), and their transcription master P.Th. Van Reenen
(R). It appears that they hardly differ in their excellent hearing
Next some graphics (taken from the same dissertation, Goeman
1999, chapter 2) for showing the validity of the recorded
For explanation and considerations (eg. concerning the different
styles of speech during an interview): see reference.
First a graphic of quality judgements by fieldworkers; Goeman
1999 reports (chapter 2, p. 70) that there are no significant
relations between these judgements and age, gender, profession of
Next graphics show the structure of the group of speakers within the
project and the structure of the expected overall group of Dutch
dialect speakers; there is a reasonable match.
The division of recorded localities according to population size more
or less resembles the overall one for the Netherlands:
The percentages of women and men within the project resemble those of
the Netherlands. The project does have a bias towards older males yet
this was included in the project's aims.
The numbers of men and women per age group matches more or less those
within the estimated groups of dialect speakers in the Netherlands
(on the basis of De Beukelaar and MŸnstermann, "De positie van
het dialect in Bredevoort", in: Staring Instituut (red) 1988
"Bredevoort, een Heelrijkheid"). Albeit that there are only a
few young speakers. Again in accordance with the aims of the project
directed towards the older speaker:
Regarding the division of professional groups again there is a
reasonable match between the project and the overall picture for the
Netherlands. First comes a graphic of the highest attained education
in the Netherlands, next a graphic of the project's speakers
according to the social prestige of their (or their partner's)
profession (again confined to Dutch speakers only):
Above mentioned research Goeman
1999 assigned to each Dutch speaker an index of social prestige
following UltŽe & Sixma 1983 ("Een Beroepsprestigeschaal voor
Nederland in de Jaren Tachtig. Mens & Maatschappij 58: 360-82)
who based themselves on the social prestige of the time of
publication. When no profession was indicated the index of the
partner (when possible) was used.
Fieldworkers and transcribers for the Netherlands:
Els van Houten (81 localities) en Peter van Vliet (122 localities) plus
Joke Aben, Boudewijn van den Berg, Jan Buitenhuis, Dolf Coppes,
Jo Daan, M. Engelen, Margo Fransen, Liesbeth Gijsbers, Ton Goeman,
Irene GrŸnewald, Ben Hermans, R. Hofstee, Anke Jongkind, Inge
Kemperman, Anneke Klaassen, Marjan Klamer, Gerard Kocks, Joep
Kruijssen, M. Lutz, Alice Ottow, Erwin Matthijs, Margot van Mulken,
B. Pijn, S. van der Ree, Karin van Reenen, Piet van Reenen, Annelies
De Reus, Jaap de Rooij, Marlies Schellevis, M. Stols, Herma Veenhof,
Jaap Veerman, Anneke de Vries, Carole van Zaanen
For Belgium:
VŽronique de Tier and Rob Belemans with incidental assistance of R. van de
Kerckhove, K. Decoodt, H. Smet - and Joke Verbeek for the scoring of
tones and Geert Verleyen for some part of the data entry.
For Friesland:
Durk Veenstra (recordings), Durk Veenstra and Arjen Versloot
(recordings and transcription). Data entry assistence came from
Wytske Rypma and Doete Stienstra.