The Morphology Atlas of Dutch Dialects is an atlas unique of
its kind. No atlasses before have had its size and depth. The theme
of plural formation alone already comprises 40 main maps.
Several sidemaps are drawn to illustrate subthemes and tonal features.
Insights into the variability of human language, in casu Dutch
dialects, coupled to images of spatial relations, provide for better
understandings of areas like language history, language contact, the
human cognition.
origin of data
localities gif
localities html
finance & team
dynamic dialectology ppt
dynamic dialectology html
plural diminutive gender comparison
possessive verbal stem verbal inflexion.
Read more in new window:
selections of
plurals and diminutives
examples of verbs
Language change
Regular large scale fieldwork is of great importance in order to
preserve the ever changing variational facts for future
research. Only in this way will it be possible to investigate the
lines along which variation tales place.
The sound recordings of Dutch dialect speech of 611 localities around
the Netherlands, Flanders and French Flanders come after a period of
55 years since the start of the Reeks Nederlandse Dialectatlassen.
(The last recording (directly on paper) of the RND actually took
place in 1975.)
language change
on language variation
An example of language change made visisble is the pronunciation
of s and z before a vowel like is attested in the new
material compared with an analysis of data from the 14th century
Corpus Van Reenen-Mulder.
Another example illustrates the rise of the phenomenon of dropping
word final e in the singular. Data on frequencies within the
14th century show the phenomenon slowly conquering the area where
people are nowadays unaware it even existed.
Comparison with more recent material suggests that language contact
between dialects is very limited nowadays; language changes seem to
have come to a halt. A comparison with data from 1936 show few
changes regarding the palatal element within the diminutive suffix.
s / z
article on final
Theory development
As important is the challenge for current theories within
linguistics. The size and variety of the gathered data allow for
statistical methods being applied for uncovering underlying
structures within language variation.
An example of challenging research is the study into variation
regarding word final t-drop; current linguistic theories
cannot as yet integrate this structured variation.
Another example pertains to the within variation regarding
t-drop in verbal endings. Because of the scope and size of the
collection it is possible to show the structure of the within
variation by means of graphics right where ususal geographical maps
are not apt for uncovering this detail.
Studies into word final n, again only made possible because of
the scale of the project, show the role of abstract categorizations
in the realization (or not) of final n.
Theories on pronunciation of graphemes in medieval writings can now
be related to current dialect variation: maps extracted from the 14th
century Van Reenen-Mulder corpus are being confirmed by images on the
basis of the MAND material. The gh (before a front vowel)
indeed appears to be the spelling of velar g (like in Gherard) while
g appears to signal the palatalized g (Gilles). Furthermore it
appears that the u in the medieval east remained representing
IPA [u] while u in the medieval west has come to mean IPA [y].
Data source & related projects
dynamic dialectology ppt
dynamic dialectology html
The current atlas project is sistered by the Phonological Atlas of
Dutch Dialects (FAND) covering present day variation in
pronunciation. The FAND (published by the Belgian Academy) highlights
its themes from an histiorical perspective and contains hundreds of
colored maps.
Both projects base themselves upon the already mentioned fieldwork
which took place from 1980 till 1995 and was initiated by
Goeman, Taeldeman en Van Reenen.
GTRP home
and history
A new round of fieldwork takes place around the
Syntax Atlas of Dutch Dialects (SAND). The number of recorded places
however has been quite reduced but elicitation of this specific kind
of data is far more complicated.
Finance & team
The first volume (on plurals and diminutives) will arise form a close
cooperation of the Meertens Instituut, the Royal Academy for Dutch
Language and Literature (KANTL) at Ghent and the Free University (VU)
at Amsterdam.
Participants are
- dr A.C. Goeman, Meertens Instituut-KNAW
- dr G. C. de Schutter, Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal-
en Letterkunde
- dr P.Th. van Reenen, Vrije Universiteit
- mw drs Th. de Jong, Meertens Instituut-KNAW (deel 1a)
- drs B.L. van den Berg, Meertens Instituut-KNAW
We welcome your questions and remarks.
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dr Goeman
to dr De Schutter