Meertens Instituut


Nederlands | MAND atlascartography | GTRP transcriptions

Cartography: Kloeke

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Central to all cartography at the Meertens Instituut is the "Kloeke-tabel".

  Artist De l'Orme with Jo Daan and Meertens
The Kloeketabel consists of a unique numbering of thousands of townships and hamlets in the Netherlands, Flanders, French Flanders and the northwest of Germany.

Several atlasses have been published with use of this map.

The register with unique numbering of places turned out to be an indispensable help for communicating geographical observations.

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Meer in nieuw venster:
practice (Dutch)
validation (Dutch; ppt)
Kloeke and Grootaers
motivation of Kloeke (Dutch)
design process 1926 (by Kloeke; Dutch)
map fragment 1926
map title 1926
introduction Register 1934
reaction Kloeke 1938
introduction Register 1962
memo 1997
adaptations 2002

Gesinus Kloeke

Dr. Gesinus G. Kloeke is unique in his effort to standardize linguistic cartography. In cooperation with dr. L. Grootaers from Louvain for the southern parts of the Dutch language area Kloeke designed a base map and a register of codings, in everyday usage called 'Kloeke-tabel'.

Kloeke made a plea for the national institute of dialect research (at the time in process of establishment) to take over the map and administer the register.
The Meertens Institute, arisen from the commission on dialects within the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, has indeed accepted and maintained the map and register and expanded the lot (until 1980 by means of a red pencil on 34 submaps).


validation (Dutch; ppt)
Kloeke and Grootaers
motivation of Kloeke (Dutch)
design process 1926 (by Kloeke; Dutch)


Together with the rise of computerization an attempt was made to digitize the Kloeke map and register. Following a series of maps of a first generation digitized map (by the "Topografische Dienst") a second generation map has been the basis of more recent maps of the Meertens Instituut. Dr E. Wattel and dr P. van Reenen based themselves on the CIA-Worldmap to design a new ground map to which they linked the 'Kloeketables' by means of an electronic pen.
For demands of digital disambiguity all numbers were re-coded into codes of five characters each while replacing some confusing sub-specifications.


first version example
second version: memo 1997
adaptations 2002

Current practice

Regarding current cartographic practices at the Meertens Institute:
  • For immediate research purposes a licence free application has been developed generating interactive maps in HTML. The application has proven to be a welcome tool for displaying connectivity of disparate phenomena via easy-to-use cartography. Its maps are directly publishable on the internet.
  • Statistically calculated choropleth maps are generated by means of the application designed by dr. E. Wattel from the Amsterdam Free University. An extension has been made to map data from 13th and 14th century corpora.
  • For production purposes of atlasses such as the MAND the commercial package of MapInfo® is used.
  • Finally, some experimenting takes place to incorporate the new XML-based language for graphics on the internet Adobe® SVG.


applications (this window)

Data matching

It goes without saying that by means of geographical coordinates your data can be linked up to other databases within other national and international geographical information systems. One example has been incorporated into the user friendly "Kloeketabel"-application where Kloeke-codes and zip codes are teemed together introducing options for data comparisons using collections based on zip codes.

The already mentioned "Kloeketabel"-application contains several base maps of a variety of themes for the purpose of speculating on extra-linguistic relationships.


on coordinates (in memo 1997)

External practice

Regarding cartographic practices outside of the Meertens Institute: almost all collections within dialectology and ethnology use Kloekecodes to pinpoint the recordings and observations.

The MapInfo-application as developed at the institute is put to use also for production of maps for, among others, the Brabantic and Limburgian thematic dictionaries at Nijmegen and Ghent.

Regional Dictionaries (ReWo)
The licence free application for generating HTML-based maps is in process of adaptation for use (at recent request) in other European countries. The app will then allow for import of new coordinates and names.

Please, also note the JavaScript application at → GTRP transcriptions.

applications (this window)
Dialect cartography, until recently, usually took place on a blank base map with Kloekecodes in smallprint or with help of a private sketch.

A privately developed application for pre-print preparation of Kloeke-maps is the Latex-gebaseerde program Carto. The symbolization on a blank Kloeke-map is done by hand. Symbols of the same kind may be changed in one go. The resulting map is purely graphica, not inter-active and does not contain any kind of database.


more Cartography: applications | typology | importance | historical | links

Nederlands | MAND atlascartography | GTRP transcriptions
